An aspiring screenwriter thoughts about #TharnTypeSS2EP5, a very positive, and deservedly so thread💗🌈
Ps: I haven’t read the novel so all of this is going to be an analysis from my point of view, including some dialogue/ scene based predictions.
Let me start off by saying how much I loved the fact they showed us Type’s confrontation with Nana in a kind of flashback after showing us Tharn’s reaction to finding out what Type had done, it was a genius move to make sure the viewer was going nowhere!
I wanted this thread to have a more technical perspective but I JUST CAN’T, this episode was too wholesome! Type finally realizing the downsides of not having a public relationship with Tharn and his possessiveness is just too endearing
Type being open about his feelings of jealousy is a rare sight, but it adds so much to their relationship, it gives Tharn the reassurance he feels that he needs and it gives the viewer that their relationship has moved forward in some kind of way
It gives us the feeling that Gulf can’t take the fact that most people aren’t aware of his relationship with Tharn much longer, he’s slowly losing his patience, as we could see by his dialogue with Nana 🤭
I just have to leave here some quotes as a tribute to this 🔥 dialogue:
“I’m warning you for your own sake, because you’ll never get what you wish for. “
“Because Tharn... likes men.”
“And not just any type of men. But it must only be a man like me.”
“Tharn is probably missing me.”
Such a short dialogue but it was written and delivered so perfectly. Type’s whole character is represented in these lines: confident, hot-tempered, possessive, passionate ❤️ even though it’s in the beginning, it has to be one of the best scenes!
We only find this out later in the episode, but it turns out this Nana jealousy situation was all executed and planned out by Tharn and Techno, explaining Techno’s behavior on episode 3, Techno’s lines were dramatic because they were needed for the cliffhanger
It seems that they are creating a strategy to help Type realize he in fact cares about people not knowing Tharn is his, we can tell it works when he decides to comment on Nana’s post about resigning and by his smile when Tharn sent their photo to her too...
Type didn’t seem to care about who would see his comment and what questions it might raise about his connection to Tharn.
It is also in this episode we find out P’ San is in a relationship with someone, this scene looks pointless but if we look closely 👀 I believe this will be some kind of plot twist!
Let’s talk about Type’s boss, shall we? I was thinking about what could be the cause of his hatred towards Type? Before I started writing this thread my mind went first towards the person closest to Type at work: P’ Teng. I know she is Type’s coworker, but could she also be
their boss ex something? Lover? Fling? Ex-wife that no one knows about? 👀 it sounds unlikely based on her dialogue and her dynamic towards him but screenwriters do this a lot to mislead viewers! My other theory... and my personal favorite: P’San is actually dating Type’s boss!
That would explain 1: Why is P’San in this season’s cast and 2: Type’s boss hatred towards him, P’San could’ve told him about his past with Type and how much it hurt him to see his first love be taken away like that, so that would explain why Type’s boss is so hostile towards him
I could be completely wrong too, it’s just a theory 🙈
The added comedy to this scene to relieve some of this episode’s dramatic tensionwas just too good, leave it to Techno to make us smile 🤭 I love the fact that Tharn also implies they have sex everyday 🤤
If this scene didn’t shake your whole being, hate to be the one to break it to you, but your heart might be made out of stone. This scene is so special, this is the type of vulnerability that Type only shows Tharn. Tharn was able to make him feel comfortable enough to do that 7
year ago, when Type told him about his trauma and Type still does that to this day, 7 years later, even though Type still doesn’t want to worry him, he still lets him know he is not having a good day and lets Tharn comfort him.
I didn’t want to associate it to MewGulf, but how can’t I when we know this is MewGulf’s way of recharging too 🙈❤️. Beautiful scene, touching and it portrays the beauty in a long relationship of not saying anything, but still knowing and still being able to be there for the
other person, even if the only thing you can do is give them a shoulder to cry on.
If you read my thread about episode 4, you know I was confused by Champ’s and Dr. Khunpol’s relationship. Hopefully, episode 5 was beautifully written and the script tied a lot of loose ends... I must remind myself that support characters have to be complex too, they have
goals and desires, for these two... it is to stay together. Their relationship will not only make their characters stronger and not flat, but will also contribute a lot to the main storyline. Khunpol is in love with Champ, so naturally he also sees Type as a close friend of his
In this scene we can see exactly that, they feel closer due to their mutual affection towards Champ, even though they love him in different ways. Can we also talk about how refreshing it is that it is now Type’s turn to tease his friends about their lovers? 🥰😏
Allow me to brag about my prediction on the connection between Type and Khunpol, I said on my last thread that this bridge would take him to have Type’s back when it came to his hateful boss, what I didn’t see coming is that he is the nephew of some higher up of the Hospital 👀
Can we jump off to talking about the chemistry between these two? As a more experienced actor, I can tell Gulf guided Title, which made this scene so much more impactful. I love the fact that Phugun reminds Type of a younger Tharn and how he just indulges him!
There no way I won’t talk about these parallels, someone deserves a raise @MAME12938 👀 Type clearly was reminded of what him and Phugun talked about, the hot drink is a symbol of what is an apparent small gesture that means so much more, it means “I’m ready to reconcile”
“I will be here if you need me”
“Hopefully the warmth of this drink will bring you some piece of mind if you are not ready to be held by me and accept the warmth I’m willing to give you right now.”
People who have been in a relationship for a long time can totally relate to Type here, he ends up venting all of his anger out on the person he loves the most and the one who is closest to him. It’s something you just do, it’s not right, but it happens to all of us
We can tell Tharn also understands this and doesn’t hold it against him. The understanding and compassion he shows in his expressions were just portrayed perfectly. The sweetness in Tharn’s eyes and the regret in Type’s is something only they can deliver as beautifully as this
They were not crying, but this scene is so strong that there’s no need for tears, besides our own... the viewers 🤧
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