Every day on my timeline and on Twitter trends I CONSTANTLY see things about Dream and Dream SMP. There's other content creators too ya know and a LOT of them are completely underrated and deserve more love.

Here's a thread and some links:
@SaysMasonLIVE is incredibly talented in the humor department and deserves so much more love than he receives. He's passionate about what he does and is massively creative. https://www.twitch.tv/saysmason 
Team Vacktor - @RedVacktor @BlueVack @PurpleVacktor @GreenVacktor_ @YellowVacktor_

This group of insanely talented individuals pride themselves in delivering quality content every single day. They are hugely underrated and some of the nicest people I've ever met.
@yoimdelta is such a sweet individual who has such a lovely personality and makes some wonderful content on Twitch! They have been nothing but kind since the day I met them and would love to see them go so much farther in the future! https://www.twitch.tv/officialdeltalive
@Oogapooki has such a unique sense of humor that slaps almost every time he speaks. Dude is genuinely one of the funniest guys I've ever met and deserves way more attention! https://www.twitch.tv/oogapooki 
@Pikaclicks is a natural born leader. He is insanely talented and can create any event that could drag thousands too it. He's funny, a genuine person who will give it to you straight and will always be upfront and honest with ya. https://www.twitch.tv/pikachuclicks 
@vGumiho Is so goddamn funny. Like, legit so fuckin' creative too. She is a wonderful and fantastic person who gives nothing but love and bread dogs. https://www.twitch.tv/vgumiho 
@Yahsass is the love of my life and she's got such an underrated sense of humor. She's creative, funny and so fuckin' awesome. She never fails to make me laugh and I'd loved to see her take off soon. https://www.twitch.tv/yahsass 
These are just a handful of people. Yeah, Dream and Dream Team are fuckin' cool too but give the smaller streamers a shot as well! Won't hurt ya!
You can follow @Mithzan.
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