An informational thread:

It was recently brought to my attention that someone I was actively friends with on Twitter had a pretty disturbing secret from their past. This prompted me to research the person further. (1)
Which led me to reasonably question them regarding a GoFundMe page that they have going, which I happily had donated to in the past. I was patient for days, offering support. (2)
and requesting proof of their either diagnosis, explanation of benefits, hospital discharge sheet, a bill, literally anything to back up their claims. Eventually this person attempted to manipulate and gaslight me for not backing down. (I have evidence of this as well). (3)
I know some would rather I just let this go, but I cannot with good conscience sit back knowing that others may continue donating to a cause that the beneficiary has yet to verify. (4)
If you have an ongoing medical issue, you certainly are being bombarded with letters/bills in the mail. IMO There should be no reason to stall in the manner this person has been. (5)
I used filtered Twitter searches to see if their medical story had remained consistent and, to my suspicions, it had not. In about 10 months their medical story has had quite a shift. (6)
I looked into the requirements for state and federal disability and insurance coverages. They do not align with what this person claims. There are quite a number of red flags, that make me extremely uncomfortable. (7)
I do not just take anyone’s word without evidence. I expect proof. Especially on the internet. That is a reasonable expectation and I refuse to be convinced otherwise. (8)
I have physical evidence of everything that led me to decide to post this thread. None of which is hearsay or gossip. None of which is opinion based. I will not post speculations. I am not in the business of libel.(9)
I am not posting this to have this person dragged, please do not do that. I am not tagging them here specifically to avoid this. I am posting so others are made aware and to remind everyone on the importance of fact-checking before donating. (10)
We’ve witnessed baseless claims made on tv for the past 4 years. We have actively fact-checked our own POTUS for ourselves. Why should donating be any different? (11)
To my knowledge, When GoFundMe verifies a page, they request proof that the person is who they say they are. They do not require any documents or further proof validating the cause. Just that the funds are going to the person they are being raised for. (12)
So when a person claims that they have been cleared by GoFundMe, it’s not really saying much other than they proved that they are the one who is fundraising and the money is going to the person they claim on the donation page. (13)
If anyone would like information on what I am referring to you are welcome to DM me. I am not trying to publicly bash anyone. I already tweeted screenshots the other day of some info to consider on this person. (14)
You can follow @darafaye.
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