There's a youth orginization (church sponsored) that comes to my door every few months with same opening: "Hi, I'm x please help me stay off the streets & away from guns, violence, and make a donation to X"
I always do, but recently have a chat wit the young men, watching their
older sponsors or mentors slowly inch closer. Some curious others disgruntled with my audacity to step outside lines. Last night, his name was Devante, I told him to find me here (if he wants) I asked him to name his role models (top 5) & # 1 was Kevin Hart. I replied he was a
comedian, & he approached my home asking for was to keep away from street violence & gangs, What did he know about Black men & boys very close to his age that died fighting against these systemic issues, asked him names of ppl like Jackson, Newton, MalcolmX, etc... he replied "no
ma'am, i don't know them", so I took one 0ve over 25 copies of the autobiography of MalcolmX (soft cover) I keep & dedicated it to him by name, explaining why it was necessary to know out past, if we or he was to ever understand today & find solutions 4 future. I insereted the $
inside, & said this is for you,& only u,if you read this 1st. Come back & I will give u more, any book, supplies, necessary, will make time to explain, we are all students, please take my offer. I was told the book was taken from him, butsince u can read this, dont follow, find a
a way to come back to my home young man, i promise u will not regret it. Sit in my rooms surrounded by quotes, pictures & every book u need to understand why that book was taken from u. Think to yourself why a book was found threatening to the same orginization that had u kocking
on my door requesting monetary donation to keep u away from violence against Black men, yet, took away the blueprint written by a man that died giving solutions?
Come back and I'll give u another, & another, until u see no church, or organization has the answer. It's inside u, &
& I don't have any agenda, don't want to make u think like me, just want to give u the other side of the story, same i teach my own kids...I'm here Devante, even when gone from social media, you're welcome to knock on my door. 'We have nothing to lose but our chains" love, Maryam
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