December, 1986 at the Biograph Theater in Chicago, I had the first movie-going experience that jarred me to the core. I’d had thrilling moments in a movie house where some adventure had taken me to new worlds or a comedy had left with sides aching from laughter...

but this movie cut deeper - down to the bloody bone.

I grew up in a flag-waving, Pledge-spouting, hat-removing part of our country. At every parade, I stood at attention as honored veterans paraded past. The WWII generation were becoming frail, but still heads were held high

The Korean vets (of which my daddy was one) were close behind, filled with pride. It was the Vietnam vets who puzzled me; their eyes seemed haunted. Maybe it was because the horrors they suffered were fresher or because society did not treat them with the same sense of...

...honor earlier generations received. I just knew that, when the old men gathered on the porch of my grandpap’s store, reliving war glories, those couple of young Nam guys were usually close-lipped. I remember one man excusing himself once when he got teary eyed.

. I noticed him sitting in his truck in the parking lot, crying.

I was only months removed from Kentucky as I sat in The Biograph watching PLATOON. I’m not sure if it was an organized veterans group or coincidence, but there were several Vietnam veterans in the theater.

That film was like a visceral punch to the gut. One viewer yelled out at the screen a couple of times. There were numerous moments when the entire audience gasped as one. A gut punch, indeed.

Afterward, you could hear many audience members bawling — scarred, hardened men...

bawling. As I walked out, I saw a man sitting two rows behind with his knees drawn to his chest, slightly rocking, lost in some past terror.

Such is the power of a story well-told; such is the power of shared communal experience; such are The Movies.

No matter how awesome your home entertainment system is, you don’t get that sitting in your house. I miss it.

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