I just want to say a few things about @LenKasper & this seems like a good time. You’d be hard pressed to find an announcer under the age of 50 who Len hasn’t had an impact on. Whether it be advice, critique or encouragement, his impact is significant. Here's mine: 1/
In 2007, I was up for a job at WGN Radio that I thought would be a career changer. I was the internal candidate, it was the only place I'd ever wanted to work, and it was all right there in front of me. When they hired someone else, I was devastated. 2/
Not only had I felt like I missed my break, but it was clear I was going to have to leave my current gig if I wanted to advance my career. I was lost, hurt and questioning my future in broadcasting. 3/
About 3 weeks after that, I ran into @LenKasper at Wrigley. He pulled me aside, asked how I was doing, and very confidently told me, "Hey. You're on the right path. You're gonna get there." It was exactly what I needed. 4/
The conversation lasted all of 45 seconds, but, I've thought of it almost daily for 13 years. And it encouraged me to move on. I don't think I'd be where I am without his kindness. I'm not alone, and know this small gesture is only a fraction of the impact he's had on others. 5/
So, Congrats @LenKasper, on living the dream of baseball on the radio. It really is the best! Sox fans, know, you are getting a great broadcaster, but an even better person!
PS WGN absolutely hired a better guy than me in '07!. 6/6
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