1/ The surveys showed that the move to online has led to systemic overwork for the faculty: teaching oversized courses online, producing videos for out of town students, raising kids, working in the same home office (aka bedroom) as husband who is also working from home, etc, yet
2/ Administrators haven't considered SYSTEMIC faculty support such as reduced teaching loads, childcare support. It’s all, “Didn’t you see that email offering you a voucher? Oops, t’s expired now. Why didn’t you take 15 CTLT workshops to make online teaching easier for you?”, etc
3/ And a typical colleague testimonial: "I’m still trying to figure out why I’m teaching 240 students in a a course that has historically been under 140 and with no prior “do you want a class bigger than 200 for extra credit” as usually happens with a section this big."
4/ ... "and the postdoc teaching with me is teaching 180. We used to have a policy capping postdocs at [insert ever increasing number but still much less than 180] in normal times."
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