1/ He co-founded Invictus Innovations with @bytemaster7 and was a member of the original @Ethereum team before building @Cardano with Jeremy Wood.

This is a thread about @IOHK_Charles and his immutable blockchain legacy.

/2 Charles was born in Hawaii and grew up in Colorado. Coming from a family of physicians, he considered medicine but decided entrepreneurship is a more impactful career path. When Satoshi's white paper came out, Charles had just joined Ron Paul’s presidential campaign.
/3 Around 2011, Charles started tinkering with #cryptocurrency. He did a little bit of mining and trading as a hobby, but was only testing the waters. By 2013, he was fully committed to the emerging space and networking with the most respected figures.
/4 He started a UDemy course called "Bitcoin or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Crypto." It grew to 80,000+ pupils and it's how he met other pioneers in the space like @GamerAndy, @rogerkver, @aantonop, @ErikVoorhees and others.

/5 After being introduced to @VitalikButerin by @diiorioanthony, Charles got excited about the budding idea for @Ethereum, helping design the ICO and even serving as CEO for a brief period.
/6 He later started @InputOutputHK with Jeremy Wood. The new venture launched @Cardano, a third generation cryptocurrency that began as a version of Ethereum for the Japanese market. It boasts more PhDs and mathematicians than any other crypto project.

/7 As a third generation cryptocurrency, $ADA is solving the issues that keep other chains from thriving. Flexibility, speed and scalability are all possible with the Ouroboros proof-of-stake algorithm. The quality of @Cardano’s code is on par with that of @SpaceX or @NASA.
/8 Charles’ brainchild was named after Renaissance mathematician and medicine man, Gerolamo Cardano. The platform’s native currency, $ADA, is most likely named after the genius Ada Lovelace who worked alongside Charles Babbage on his "analytical engine".
/9 Hoskinson’s new chain raised $62 million from an ICO with 95% Japanese investors. IOHK operates in 16 countries, leaving Charles plane-hopping 200-250 days a year. @Cardano has become a global financial operating system especially aimed at serving the underbanked.
/10 Mongolia is one of his favorite destinations. He's hunted with birds of prey, ridden camels across the Gobi desert and met bitcoin holding nomads. Just ask him about arbitrage opportunities with hunting birds, or the suboptimal logistics of the cashmere market.
/11 Reading @Cardano's white paper is like visiting a museum, you'll encounter familiar names like Lord Byron, Mary Shelley, Daedalus, Icarus, Joseph Goguen, Matsuo Bashō, Voltaire, Hydra, Ouroboros and more. Evelyn De Morgan's painting, A Soul in Hell, hangs in his office.
/12 Charles has donated to several academic institutions including the University of Wyoming, the University of Edinburgh and the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He produced and spoke at a TedX Talk in a video titled "The Future Will Be Decentralized":

/13 As a man who loves knowledge, Charles is also a fan of Everipedia. When Wikipedia deleted his page in an act of pure administrative whimsy, we made sure his contributions wouldn't be censored. Watch Charles interview our founder @samkazemian.
/14 Make sure to follow @IOHK_Charles to get insight from a battle-tested crypto veteran and if you want to learn more about the people driving cryptocurrency forward, click here:

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