📢📢We are excited to kick off our new interview series #MeetTheNewPi ! With @dudin_o!

Omaya is a Franco-Palestinian #juniorPI that recently started his lab @EPFL_en , with the aim of understanding the #origins of #animal #developmental mechanisms!

đź’Ą https://www.dudinlab.com/ đź’Ą
His approach combines Cell Biology, learned at @SophieMartinLab during his PhD and his unique encounter with Ichthyosporeans at @multicellgenome Lab as an @snsf_ch & @MSCActions fellow.
His lab investigates the #cell & #developmental biology of #Ichthyosporeans ! a clade of unicellular protists known to be among the closest living relatives of animals.
Despite being #unicellular , they undergo transient multicellular spatial organisation!
You can follow @NewPICellDev.
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