I've been thinking about why our schools are closed. Why millions of American schoolchildren have been robbed of an education this year. Why those who are vulnerable will suffer lifelong consequences. Why we made the choice we did.

There is ample evidence. When you socially distance & wear a mask, COVID does not spread in schools.

We put on masks & resumed all other essential activities: grocery shopping, work, going to CVS where sick people go, the one activity we deemed not essential: school.

Why? 1. We don't value education. 2. We don't value equity. 3. White privilege. I will explain how. And it will demonstrate why many (especially white) women voted for Trump.

Our kids needed an education & like frequently happens in our society, a cost-benefit analysis was performed by nice white parents.

1. We work from home. 2. We can afford private school. 3. We can hire a nanny. 4. We can pay for a pod. 5. Mom can quit her job.

The virus was deadly & there's community spread.

Schooling could be managed by parents with resources. And so the decision was made to advocate for closing schools.

And kids who have 1. no safe home 2. no parent at home 3. no english speaker at home. 4. no technology.


Conversations happened - "We need to reimagine schooling!" Countless hours were spent by nice white parents discussing this "Opportunity!" they called it.

Lofty ideas. No thought as to the immediate catastrophe awaiting our most vulnerable families.

There will be a lifetime of devastating consequences for students who were struggling even before COVID. Additional resources will not be spent to help them catch up.

Nice white parents figured out a solution for themselves.
But they don't care about equity in education.

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