I had my first doctor’s visit today and I am stumped. Why do people want to move to the US from India?!
Like an X-ray back home costs 250 rupees? 500, maybe? Or 2000, also? It’s a freaking 200 dollars here. And I have to call atleast 10 people to explain things, which no one will understand, and I have a complicated name?! B***ch, take me back to Karthik scans at Moorthy Nagar.
How do people without medical insurance live here? Or the old, the poor, the hypochondriac, the chronically ill? And with insurance, you have to decide on a procedure depending on how much you’ve to copay? And you could refuse it because you can’t afford it?!
When I was growing up in India, I was told the US had the best of healthcare. Developed country, they said. But, being shouted at by customer service operators, waiting a lifetime for an appointment, and getting poor treatment in return amounts to a subpar quality of life no?
My biggest question though is for the Indian-born desis (who are not escaping socio-caste hierarchies). Why do you want to move here so bad? The fall? Better school? The American accent you can sport during an Indian holiday? Fake first world living?
This is no developed country. This is capitalism at its bloody, inhuman worst. I don’t know man, I’d exchange Columbus circle and Madison avenue for Ambedkar Nagar and Armenian Street in a heartbeat.
My God, this sucks. https://twitter.com/coribush/status/1334997005207212032
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