In the last 5 years I have masturbated once.

I was in India, the very few number of hot girls that I wanted weren’t easy to fuck.

I thought nothing of it and went to sleep.

But waking up the next day was a shock to the system.

I’ll NEVER do it again.
Now before we start keep in mind that as a profession I produce adult content, most of the women who worked at my studios were girlfriends of mine in one way or another so sex was always available to me.

But seeing the effects first hand of simps jerking off made me quit.
All day low energy losers on my office screens jerking off to one or another girl that I got to fuck that night.

I knew there were better uses of my energy so I just stopped.

We are told as your men that this is healthy and normal, it isn’t.
Much like the alcoholic doesn’t feel the hangover, most men have no idea what I’m talking about when I speak on the negative effects.

A man stone cold sober for 3 years would feel the effects of drinking the night before however.
I woke up in the morning to take a piss, my dick didn’t have the usual weight in my hand.

I felt drained and tired like I needed to get back to bed, the usual tension in my traps back and chest muscles wasn’t there.

No morning erection?
Now this may be how masturbators feel every day, but MAN there is no feeling like waking up with a hard dick ready to attack the world and play the cards in the manner that you also end up fucking a beautiful woman that night.
It isn’t healthy or normal, masturbation as a habit is only good FOR WOMEN.

Keeps them away from hooking up with sub standard men for sexual gratification when they’re horny.

But for men? You’re literally draining testosterone into napkins, and throwing it away.
As god as my witness I’ll never masturbate again.

And IF YOU DOUBT ME OR TAKE THIS AS SATIRE (it isn’t), quit jerking off for 3 weeks, replace masturbation with sex, and look at yourself in the mirror after a month.

A worse habit than smoking.
We can’t all be elite playboys.

On top of my studio girls I meet new beautiful women every week, nobody does it like me.

But we can surely stop playing with ourselves?

Learn the playboy tactics here:
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