1/ Two main unemployment assistance programs authorized by the federal CARES Act in March are set to expire at the end of December.

If Congress doesn’t enact a new relief bill soon, many Texans will lose at least some of their benefits. https://bit.ly/2JSyllq 
2/ Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) is one of the programs expiring Dec. 26.

PUA provides up to 39 weeks of assistance for those who did not qualify for regular benefits, but have lost income for a variety of reasons related to the pandemic. https://bit.ly/2JSyllq 
3/ Through the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) Texas currently provides up to 13 additional weeks of benefits to people who have exhausted their regular unemployment.

However, it also expires after Dec. 26. https://bit.ly/2JSyllq 
4/ If you are unsure of what unemployment aid you are receiving and whether you will lose your benefits in December, you can visit the claim and payment status page on your TWC account and find your claim type listed under the claim information section. https://bit.ly/2JSyllq 
5/ If it lists Disaster Unemployment Benefits, you are receiving PUA, which expires in December.

If labeled Temporary Unemployment Benefits, you are receiving either PEUC or the state-run Extended Benefits, and you may or may not be impacted by the December expiration.
6/ If you are on PEUC, you will be automatically considered for and may qualify for Extended Benefits.

However, if you are eligible for unemployment in another state, you may have to exhaust your regular benefits there before qualifying for EB in Texas. https://bit.ly/2JSyllq 
7/ If you are already on regular unemployment or Extended Benefits, you will continue receiving your benefits until you exhaust your claim, find other work, or until the unemployment rate in Texas improves and brings the EB program to an end. https://bit.ly/2JSyllq 
8/8 People across Texas are struggling to navigate a maze-like system to get the benefits they are entitled to.

Here are the answers to the most common questions about getting benefits from the Texas Workforce Commission.

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