1/ Big Picture IMO

Giuliani and Trump aren't showing all their legal cards.

Reading Foley paper tweeted by CodeMonkey w/their Plan,

they believe courts will throw out tainted ballots, giving State Legislatures grounds to chuse Trump Electors.
2/ Key to plan: PA, other states, will submit Biden Electors regardless of court rulings, blessed by secy of state and governor certifications (ex: AZ).

Historically, SCOTUS and lower courts have been involved in counting disputes.
3/Courts limited
SCOTUS has no proper role prescribing the Elector Votes the VP counts on Jan 6 2021, per Constitution.

It all comes down to Pence.

If VP sees 2 slates of Electors for PA, he decides which slate to count, or can designate the count as disputed— counting neither.
4/ If Pence sides w/courts and counts Trump Elector Votes, the Dems walk out, forcing UNDECIDED outcome, triggering 12th & 20th Amendments and 3 U.S.C. § 15
5/ IMO, the Elephant in the Room are 'Chinese' chips in all new voting machines, allowing remote manipulation by hostile foreign governments.

I believe incontrovertible evidence of this will be presented to the Supreme Court and a much deeper, broader ruling will be given.
6/ We are putting on a show right now, so Americans can see how filthy the election process is.

Q gave us crumbs for the ChinaChip path, largely ignored. If the CIA can crash a car or plane with computer chips, they DEFINITELY put those remote-access chips in voting machines.
7/ If Dominion voting tallies are tossed post remote-access

w/ incontrovertible evidence China* manipulated outcomes,

then the Swamp plan fails, and we take back CA.

* if tech companies R guilty, the public sleeps.Evidence MUST tie manipulation to hostile gov't to wake public.
8/ FYI, the Foley paper chose Elizabeth Warren as the likely Dem candidate running against Trump. lmao

I'd bet my bottom dollar, we infiltrated comms to get Biden in there, the China$$ pedo w/dementia. Trump would've had fun going against Pocahontas too.

9/ For reference. Pg 21 -> was meat of their strategy.

Nutshell: When SCOTUS rules, it will be framed as China vs. United States, w/China attempting a takeover,

not merely states trying to resolve disputed vote tallies, as contemplated by 3 U.S.C., 12th & 20th.

They will FAIL
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