I love this.
I've been thinking about the position of father as a kind of spiritual stronghold, because it is held fast even when the person who it is awarded to does everything to show that they don't treasure it, care for it or want it. While still keeping any and all gains. https://twitter.com/wazobiann/status/1334903842509520899
There's also deliberate punishment of homes which dare to be functional without fathers.
I know folk whose BDs are absent and evade contact with their kids. But the kids are gaslit by school, church etc into missing and holding space for deadbeats in order to be/feel "normal".
There was an great thread about kids being raised in all ways - two moms, two dads, multiple aunts, several co-parents, blended homes, step parents. The kids were ALL fine when whoever ran the homes loved them and kept routine and stability however they can.
Data. Evidence.
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