I see people being fooled by this, so media literacy lesson time. https://twitter.com/Suite_Tea/status/1334815515752194049
This is a parody video that is using portions of a real news story/report to advertise a product. The woman in this video is not the real victim of the chainsaw wielding neighbor, and the actual victim DID NOT shoot anyone.
The woman who created the video admits it is a parody on Facebook
But there are clues that could tip you off to it not being a real news report.

Let's start with the fact that the "bug" at the bottom of the screen that identifies the network changes when it goes from the actual news report to the "victim" interview
Although the victim's name is mentioned in the actual news report, the woman on screen is never identified by that name via chyron as would normally be the case.
Finally, although many of you were excited to report that you Googled and the chainsaw story was real, did any of you actually read it? Nowhere in any of the reports of this story is it mentioned that the woman pulled out a gun.

Wouldn't that be an important detail to include?
This is how misinformation spreads. A tweet goes viral. People keep sharing it without checking facts.

Now a bunch of people think a Black woman in 2020 got away with shooting a white man when that NEVER HAPPENED.
This thread probably won't go viral because the other side of this is people like to blindly share misinformation, even when it has been corrected
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