I know this has been said a thousand times before over the last 8 months, but I’m gonna say it again:

Anyone who demands that you disregard all considerations that factor into the health of individuals and of society (emotional, mental, economic, social) in favor of one
seemingly superior consideration (physical safety) is not someone to take seriously. Because a serious person understands that safety, while certainly important, is not the only priority in life. (Even “safety” itself is subjective and can never be guaranteed anyway.)

The people of this country have been forced to shelter in their homes, sacrificing their businesses and their relationships with others in their communities, all without any say in whether or not this response makes sense, let alone justifies the tremendous loss of freedom. 3/
When I think about the suffering of those subjected to lockdowns—especially our children and our elderly—I have to ask, what sort of message are we sending them? Does quality of life truly not matter to anyone anymore? Do we really believe that we’re doing our children
a favor by having them sit at home on computers, confined to their homes instead of in a classroom with their peers?

What about what we’re doing to our elderly parents and grandparents as they waste away by themselves in nursing homes, confused and “failing to thrive” 5/
due to the forced isolation? Suicide rates are rising at unprecedented levels because people are losing the will to live. Are we supposed to say that simply having a pulse is better than having a life that makes you and your family proud? Is it now “life at all costs,” 6/
even if that cost is our freedom, our relationships, our children’s education, our livelihood?

How are more people not willing to even consider these things much less fight to preserve them? Have we abandoned all willingness to examine these questions and come up with
answers that can satisfy more than just those in power? Are we willing to fight for our future, a future that our children will inherit? Or do we lay down and take it, huddled away in our homes, mask on, 6 feet apart, resigned to the idea of “the new normal?”

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