So, ‘U.K.’ fishing fleets tend to be immigrant crew on large vessels. Inshore, within 12 nautical miles is not covered by agreement, it is always sovereign, but foreign fleets expressly given permission. Many licenses sold already to Spanish, a Dutch and french fleets to legally
fish in U.K. water. Scottish fishing is dominated by 5 ‘family’ fishing fleets which partition and resell smaller licenses to anyone with most £ or €. U.K. tends to eat cod, haddock etc, but these fish are imported and we tend to catch mackerel, langoustines, etc which we export
to the EU for a higher price than we would pay. Employment from processing fish is again often immigrant labour, dominated by a few firms...again. So...we all need to ask exactly what is it that is being fought over and for whom in these final days of Brexit talks.
Even if everything goes UK’s way, then exactly who will enforce these rules of the sea? It will literally like having 3 traffic police for the whole of the motorway network and you have a detection device on board. 0.1% of the economy drives 99.9% into no deal? Really?
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