On 11/30/2020, the Sun fired off its biggest Solar Flare in more than 3 years...The M4.4 Solar Flare came in the same day as the Lunar Eclipse that occurred on this same date.

The astrological positions of the Sun & the Moon are changing the positions of the dimensions.
This means the veils between the dimensions are aligned & more energy can flow between them.

The solar flares directly impact our bodies & activate our dormant DNA. That's why you're feeling tired, anxious, thirsty, getting headaches, having vivid dreams & etc.
It's so important to drink plenty of water during this time & to exercise.

Because of the Eclipse, these solar flares are reaching closer to us... that's because Eclipses thin the veil.

It's easier now to get information from other dimensions during this time.
It's also a good time to reflect, practice divination, do your inner 'shadow work' & meditate.

We are guided to focus on creating strong foundations now.
Release your blocks now so that you are ready to receive the new energy flowing in with the December Solar Eclipse (12/14/2020) & the Winter Solstice (12/21/2020).
The sunset from Nov. 26 - Dec. 9 is at ✨4:44PM✨ PST. We just had a Full Moon in Taurus in Vedic astrology.
December is filled with shifts & portals. The best way you can prepare for this powerful month is by focusing on your foundations. Release your blocks, illusions & fears to get ready for this new chapter & 2021.
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