I know I can get a little "preachy" sometimes but I would hope to be a calming voice, watching, slightly detached, from afar...
And what I have learned from 4 years of watching Political Twitter is that the best way to stop the 🍊💩🤡 is to ignore him.. and #AmplifyBiden!
1/16 https://twitter.com/moved2italy/status/1334383883375300608
So this probably won't be one of my more popular THREADs,⬇️many large Resistance accounts that have a stake in continuing to spread hatred and division don't like to hear this message but there are plenty of real #Resistance accounts who share my point of view.
And I will list some of them down at the end, so I hope you'll read on. First, I'll begin with an admission. I too love to troll #DirtyDonnie with hashtags and memes (I have quite a large collection😉) and I know that's the best way to get attention and lots of likes & RTs!
But we must remember something fundamental...

The 💩🤡 feeds on attention!! And right now it's the one thing he's starting to lack.😏 Starving him of the attention he so craves is the best way to HURT him!! 👊
So yes, not only focusing on the horrid #GrimReaper, #MoscowMitchMcConnell who (for now) continues his hold on the US Senate and wields WAY too much power, but we must also put the focus on the incoming President @JoeBiden and his new administration!!
We must #AmplifyBiden
Because if we don't, if we continue to "feed the beast" as I like to say, we continue to give him power. A power that he could continue to use even after his (1 and ONLY!) term has long expired.
The simple fact is, many in the media, and here in the Social Media sphere, have a vested interest in keeping his "brand" alive. That's some cynical shit, I know, but it's the Gods honest truth!! Please review! ⬇️
8/16 https://twitter.com/moved2italy/status/1325535422882177024?s=20
Hopefully at this point I've convinced you (did you read the little thread within a thread above?) ⬆️ why it is so important to #IgnoreTrumpsTweets and not "feed the beast"! 😂🤣
Now! Having said all of that, I do understand what an addictive habit trolling tRvmp (never use the correct spelling of his name btw - branding) can be!! So since what were once vices are now habits I'm just gonna offer up some personal strategies...
1. Make sure you tweet about what the bastard is DOING, NOT what he is saying. Focus on the harm he is trying to wreak on both the electoral system and the booby traps he is laying for the upcoming #BidenHarris administration. Reasonable folks don't like that!
2. For every tweet that you post with a photo, article, or mention of HIS or his family's name stop, take a breath, and go RT at least 3 or 4 of @JoeBiden's posts or those of @KamalaHarris! Put on notices for both of them. We need to shift the focus!
3. And of course, and I'm pretty sure it goes without saying, we have an important runoff election coming up in #GEORGIA so make sure you check the #DemCastGA, #gapol, @staceyabrams, @ossoff, @ReverendWarnock and other accounts / hashtags and AMPLIFY Them!
So now, as promised, I'd like to leave those of you who might be new to this game a short list of the Twitter #Resistance accounts who have been real champions at this. These folks spread serious helpful information and don't waste time or tweets! @DHStokyo, @ReaderAdrift
@Katty_Kissem @nlfisker @didikins4life @MsActiviss @C82477 @Lady_CPR @MarciaBunney @mindyanns
@NickKnudsenUS @Robrt_M_Goldste @mwaussie @kristine_kenyon ...are just a few of the many excellent Twitter voices who spread truth & #AmplifyBiden. My preaching 4 today is done!
You can follow @moved2italy.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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