1️⃣ WOAH the #trauma session is 🔥🤯 #PedsICU #WFPICCS20

💡Rethinking practice paradigm and realizing we have room for improvement at our center

✅Invasive ICP monitoring might not be the best parameter to monitor
✅Maybe we should focus on BP for cerebral perfusion
2️⃣ Color coded approach to prioritize intervention in traumatic patient

🔴 Stop arterial bleeding
🔵 Stop venous bleeding
🟤 Large bowel injury
🟢 Small bowel and bile contamination
🟡 GU tract

3️⃣Severe abdo trauma approach #PedsICU #WFPICCS

✅Early assessment of analgesia and sesation
✅Hemostatic resuscitation ratio 1:1:1
✅Fluid balance (will be overloaded)
✅Potential benefit for 3% saline ⬇️intestinal edema and time to primary closure
✅Nutrition and rehab
4️⃣ Such an insightful presentation by @karen_choong #WFPICCS #liber8 #PedsICU

✅Bedrest is Harmful
✅S is for set your patient free not stiffness
✅Reduces ICP and improves brain perfusion
✅Bone Fx : ⬇️edema and ⬆️ROM
✅Early mobilisation is SAFE
5️⃣ Why is the predetermined ratio favorable for massive transfusion protocols ⁉️

✅Mitigates early coagulopathy by administration of coag factors early
✅⬇️Amount of crystalloids needed thus less hemodilution
✅Removes the delay in ordering and transfusion
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