We need a constitution in this country, people should have absolute autonomy from the state, who should not have any say over how people live their lives.

The state should have no right to close people’s businesses or lockdown their people.
The only control the state should have over a business is regulation to prevent criminality, however such criminality must pose an actual harm to people or other businesses.

For example, a business should be able to continue to trade during a public health emergency,
however if their trade is illegal, the state should have the right to shut down and prosecute the company, with the consent of the police.

The police must not be permitted to operate without the people’s consent, anything they enforce must be of a legal standing, however they
must not be permitted to enforce “guidelines” without the people’s consent. Policing without consent is tyrannical and should be met with revolt.

If the police act as tools of the state, operate without the consent of the people, they must not be allowed to operate.
If the state exploits institution to enforce authoritarianism, those institutions should be declared enemies of the people and shut down, by the people, through mass civil disobedience, tax avoidance to defund those institutions and interrupt their operations.
If the state attempt to break into your property, without evidence that the law is being broken, the people should be legally permitted to defend their property with reasonable force.
If the state harm the economy, with intent, and cause mass unemployment and shrinkage of GDP, the people must have the right to mass civil disobedience and organised defunding of the state’s institutions, via tax avoidance.
If the state governs against the interests the people, the state’s power must be removed by the people, as they elect the state into power, they must be able to remove them.
If the state attempt to shutdown a legitimate business, operating legally, with unreasonable and disproportionate fines, the business should have no obligation to pay it, as the money will contribute to the state’s abuse of power and authoritarianism.
If the state engages in discrimination, segregation or mistreatment of its people, the people must have the right to revolt against the state, using mass civil disobedience, defunding of state institutions and reasonable force.
If the state use unreasonable force to enforce unreasonable laws, the people must be able to meet such unreasonable force with reasonable force, in order to defend themselves.
If the state use the judiciary to harm or limit people’s rights, the judiciary must be held accountable for such actions and both the state and judiciary should face severe sanction.
If the state permits the delays of elections or referendums, the people must hold their own election or referendum, which the state must follow.
If police use unreasonable force against people who do not pose a risk, the people must be permitted to defend themselves through reasonable force and there must be no legal protections for the police, in this instance.
Any instance of fascism, by the state, must be met by the people with force, mass civil disobedience, organised defunding of their institutions, removal of their weapons, property and immediate prosecution, with judiciary oversight. Fascism constitutes the violation of
right to protest, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, genocide, tyranny, authoritarianism at a intermediate level and control of the media.
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