Friday SBC Thread:

Many southern Baptists are debating “Can we *benefit* at all from CRT even tho we know Bible sits as final authority?”

But this is the wrong ?. Don’t debate that. The debate is: “is the Bible *sufficient* for addressing race issue today or do we need more?”
“Is the Bible *enough* to identify both sin issues *and* the way forward for repentance and reconciliation?”

See, when we say “is there anything useful at all in CRT?” we are really missing the main point of the battle.

This is not ultimately about race, or past sins of the SBC (which have been identified and repented of).

This is about the future. And *the* central battle we face right now is, “Has God given us enough in His Word for the issues of 21st century or do we need more?”

An aside: This is why many who advocate for CRT in the SBC *or* using CRT as an analytical tool *also* advocate for women preaching or even pastoring as long as it isn’t a “senior pastor.” Some even lean toward dismissing the sinfulness same sex attraction.

But this sufficiency issue is why many laugh at the label “liberal.” It is because many CRT friendly folks are saying the Bible *is* the word of God. The Bible is the final authority. The Bible is inerrant and infallible.

Praise God they are saying those things.

They are NOT affirming the Bible’s *sufficiency*. They may with their lips but practically they deny it when they say we need something outside of Scripture to address sin issues and reconciliation and forgiveness today. (And when they affirm egalitarian/lgbtq issues)

So it’s not that the SBC has liberals (at least not many) in the classic sense of the word. What we do have, however, are progressives/moderates who are objectively and unquestionably moving in a liberal direction.

How far left will they go?

Historically, the first generation might not go all the way left. But watch. If we are around long enough we will see subsequent generations only move further left until we are the new PCUSA or UMC.

And *right now* this is all over the sufficiency of Scripture.

Is it too late? I don’t know for sure. But the worst thing we can do right now is to lose sight of the issue. This is a battle over the sufficiency of God’s Word.

Is what He said 2,000 years ago enough? Is what He said 6,000 years ago enough? Unequivocally, yes.

And I hope if you’re in the SBC you’ll fight to #taketheship. To help steer this convention of churches back to a trust in the sufficiency of Scripture. Come to Nashville 2021.

Ans if you’re not in the SBC I hope you’ll pray for us.

Have a blessed weekend.

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