1) I can't say just how much I disagree with @kick1972's column this morning. The central problem with the piece is that Patrick Lagacé basically fights a phantom opponent here – the privileged anglo who is violently opposed to Bill 101 and govt support for the French language.
3) The fact is that the majority of anglophones ici have made their peace with Bill 101. Some may not love the more petty aspects of it but all of us realize that the French language does need laws in place to assure its future.
4) Hey I just wrote that very thing the other day. I said, & I quote: "Those anglos most vehemently opposed to francophone nationalism left in the late ‘70s/early ‘80s and those of us who’ve stayed have made our peace with Bill 101. We might not love it but we can live with it."
6) I wrote the colum cos I'm mighty depressed by the fact that relations btw anglos & francos are more strained now than at any time since the '95 referendum. I've spent my career talking bout franco culture in the anglo media & also giving another pt of view in the franco media.
7) And I guess my real issue with the column today is it just further pours fuel on these divisions and intensifies them. It gives yet another argument to the many who are happy to lash out at the anglo community.
8) Patrick talks of how "L’anglais a un incroyable pouvoir d’attraction" and that's true. English is the language of the world. But here in Quebec, our community is a small shrinking community. We're not running the show ici and haven't been for a long time. And that's OK.
9) Patrick talks of how we can't know what it's like to be a minority facing "de l’effacement culturel." Well actually we do know a lot about that. How exactly is anglo Montreal culture dominating much of anything? What a joke!
10) There is almost no anglo TV production here, virtually no mainstream films in the language of Richler. Yes there is a vibrant anglo music scene but it's an indie DIY scene that exists mostly cos these musicians are marginalized from the mainstream franco scene.
11) And how are we blokes dominating politics in Quebec? The provincial government is openly antagonistic towards us and in fact no provincial government has taken up the point of view of the anglo community for decades.
12) Whether it's the Liberals or the PQ or the CAQ, they know there are no votes to be won by defending anglo causes. And I'm OK with that. What I'm not OK with is someone telling me I somehow have this incredible privilege.
13) I've always like you personally Patrick and you're a fine journalist. But that column was mean and petty and I don't like it one bit. À bientôt.
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