2. This is an old battle which spans back to centuries. However it was most detrimental for Hindu Civilization in 1947. When the Turks through their influence were able to snatch our 1/3 land - pakistan n Bangladesh.
3. While we can blame the British but the seeds were realy sown by Turkey, nurtured by Gandhi and eventually harvested by Jinnah
It started with formation of the Khilafat committee in India by the British educated Ashraffia Muslim elite of India..
4. Ali brothers (Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali) along with Maulana Abul Kalam & MA Ansari.
First Khilafat day of this movement was observed on 17 Oct 1919. The cause for which they were fighting was to protect the caliphate in Turkey..
5. Their objective was to unite the Muslims of India for demanding to the British that power of the Caliph should not be taken away after World War 1 and prevent disintegration of caliphate as done in Treaty of Sevres..
6. This movement was subsequently supported by Gandhiji and he combined it with Non Cooperation movement. The poor Indian #PasmandaMuslim was made to rally in large numbers for a foreign cause and swear allegiance to the Caliph. .
7. It planted an idea in the Indian Muslim community that they have a moral and religious obligation to Caliph. It was the idea of separateness, seeing oneself differently from other people of this land..
8. Ali brothers were not happy with the idea of non-violence rigidness of Gandhiji and parted way in 1922. Movement died in 1924 when Ataturk of Turkey himself kicked the Caliph out. The Ali brothers subsequently joined The Muslim League and continued solidifying Muslim league.
9. We all know eventually what Muslim league did to India PARTITION. Pakistani puts him in high regards.They even pay their due respects to Shoukat Ali see this stamp..
An idea today may be catastrophy tommorrow,
So is he the modern day Shoukat Ali?
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