4. #BTPPAdventCalendar

One of the glorious things about this production is the hair. The accuracy, the variety, the fact that absolutely none of it is half-up. Blonde Jennifer Ehle rightly thanked her wigs when she won the Best Actress BAFTA.
Susannah Harker cut off lengths of her own gorgeous mane to create Jane's period-accurate fringe. She also looks delightfully like Austen's own idea of Jane, the only visual record we have of what the author thought her own characters looked like.
Hang on, how did that get in there? It's not the picture we were looking for at all!
Ah, there it is. This episode has also provided the perfect reaction shot for Half Up Hair in other productions.
While we're here, this is not a good dress. The shoulder sections are too wide, the neckline is cut strangely, it's edged in piping (too early) so no adjustability (more on that anon), and the waistline has a forced rise at the centre, sewing in an effect that arises from wearing
And to head off any questions at the pass - this isn't Half Up Hair! It's a perfectly done realisation of the still having a bit down, but curled, style that shows Lydia's youth. The degrees of 'up' were very important to teenage girls. Contrast this with 'one hairpin' Sanditon
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