MAGA. Bannon & Preiebus were "instrumental" in picking the personnel that surrounded POTUS coming out of transition. Personnel is Policy. All those people leaked, lied, & walked him right into the SC. Both enabled this. Why? McConnell never recessed Why? GOPe=Controlled=Not MAGA.
Recent examples: Immigration. We elected him to him to build a wall. End these mass migrations of "new Socialist/Democrat voters & Chamber of Commerce (cheap labor). They blocked Wall funding, & as soon as it looked like a clear Biden win, they do this:
Example: Section 230. We all are suffering from a withering physiological & information warfare campaign that is, quite literally even beyond Orwellian. All forms of media have been turned into attack platforms (equivalent to tanks, plans, ships) Recent NDAA (no Section 230)
Example: The Election Behavior. Sen Toomey (quiet lately) pushed cert in PA, other GOPe Sen pushed 4 Transition & classified briefing. McConnell refuses to take calls from Legal Teams that have evidence. McConnell uses his Comm Team to do a hit peace in Brietbart on Wood
Lastly, we have a Disinfo Op that was initiated in March on the Hill. The Server/Raid in Germany that did it's job. Discredited allies & legal efforts close to POTUS, gave the GOPe cover to not support fraud allegations in the Press. Our & 5Eye IC folks did it, never former w/IC.
The continued support of China-Flu narratives. Masks are bullshit, wear them if you want, but there is no legal or scientific basis sufficient to mandate them, or to deny you your freedom of association, religion, or other pursuits. GOPe keeps it going b/c it hurts POTUS & YOU.
Now we come to the Election & those clamoring about GA-Run off. They attack talk of using our vote as leverage to pressure the GOPe Nationally & in GA to address Election Fraud. The thought of us serfs actually using our only real power to achieve something is "stupid"...ok.
Your GOPe darlings & Con Inc Grifters are filling the airwaves w/ dire predictions if we loose the Senate to the Dems. Not a word about & Agent of China & a Commie Lawyer taking the White House. Not a word. In fact, they are already talking about "healing" Bi-partisan Bills...
So, they GOPe & Con Inc refuse & fight our choice, the Party's choice for President, but expect you to support their choices for a Senate Race in GA b/c "muh Schumer" "mu Socialism". You would not accept this behavior from your business partners, familiy, or friends, yet.....
Somehow when it's Politics our eyes are supposed to glaze over & we just go along to get along. Pathetic. They really do think a plurality of us are just fucking dumb enough or scared enough they'll pull it off. They wouldn't try if they didn't think they's win. They hate MAGA.
Your vote is your leverage. That they are attacking you for daring to hold it back tells you it still matters. We have a principle means of communicating to our Government, our Vote. We have made it clear, TWICE, what policies & leadership we wish to Govern us. Yet our betters..
Completely disregarded & actively undermined our legally communicated will. They're committing extra-legal actions, Lawfare,Psyops, Disinfo all to get you to just STFU & do what they say. This is beyond criminal. Shame on all those people pushing this. Reject these people.
If you live in GA, do what you think is right on voting day. Vote or not, but don't accept this bullshit you're being presented. They have moved on, & are badgering us to do the same. They deserve whatever the get. Don't buy this idea the GOPe is gonna stop anything.
They pretend the two party "system" achieves some sort of check on power. Bullshit. Did it stop the riots? Did it put people in jail for breaking the law? No, & it won't as long as they can convince you to "believe" them. The left cares nothing about laws or norms. Nothing.
In fact, they despise them. Don't think for a second they'll let something like a Sen Majority stop them from doing whatever they want. This is a War people. It's been going on for decades leading us here. The US is the last country in the world with any real free will.
They will not stop. This will continue. Look to NY & CA for what is to come. You want that, swallow your blue pill, watch your Fox News & NFL & go on living the lie. Depending on where you live, you might get decade before they finally get to you. They won't stop, ever.
We voted, they cheated, we demand they make it right. If they continue to openly deny the will of the people, then we aren't free, we're not sovereign, we're subjects. We all want peace & prosperity. A better life for our children. They don't. Not by a long shot.
Peace & Prosperity for us, means less power for them. So, don't kid yourselves. These people are fucking monsters. They will do, say, anything to keep you right were they want you. Thinking you're beholden to them for your "stimulus" or permission. That's the game.
They cheated. Simple process to determine who actually won under the rules. Which, if the actually Audited the Paper Ballots would let us all know, one way or the other, who actually won. They can't have that. They need this controversy.
This idea of the it ending up in Congress or the Legislators having to decide is unfucking acceptable. Audit the damn votes. These hearings trials are theater. Audit the damn Paper Ballots. Select the winner accordingly. If we allow this bullshit to continue they win.
They are attacking the legitimacy of our System. They want to destroy it. Root & branch. Don't let them. They'll say we have to "follow the law" bullshit, we make the damn law. Audit the Paper Ballots. Nothing less. As to voting in GA, cross that bridge when you get there.
But I can tell you, if you let them pull this fuckery and continue to vote for them, it's over. Completely. The only non-violent power you have is your vote. Give it away at the country's peril. They need to know we mean what we say. Unlike them, we have principles.
So vote or not in GA. But whatever you do, don't show your hand. Don't give them an inch. This election can be addressed, there is still time. They are trying to run out the clock so they can pull even more fuckery. There'll be challenges if Trump wins in the EC. It won't stop.
Talk of anything other than forcing them to Audit the Paper Ballots is a distraction. Audit the Paper Ballots. 120 million people think fraud impacted the result. That is bi-partisan. It is their Duty, to Audit the Paper Ballots.
They don't get a choice.

Just sayin
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