In an unexpected start to the morning, I agree with @DickDeVos here.

It's time we fundamentally rethink our approach to economic development. #mileg 1/
About a year ago, I wrote about the flaws in our current approach and need to overhaul our approach to incentives and economic development in an op-ed for @crainsdetroit
And just yesterday, I pointed to these flaws in a floor speech on a current package of bills that would give Meijer tax breaks for their automated warehouses - their argument being that companies like Amazon get far more in incentives than they do.
On that front, they're not wrong. As a Michigan-based company, it's unfair to watch Michigan bend over backwards with huge incentive packages to bring in outside companies who may or may not fulfill their promises.

But the solution isn't to grant more tax cuts. 4/
The solution is to level the playing field so every company pays their fair share to support our communities, schools, public services, infrastructure - things that attract, retain, and support PEOPLE. That's what's going to drive sustained economic growth. /5
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