A thread on busting the myth that Kepa Arrizabalaga had a good 2018/19 season for Chelsea.
Kepa Arrizabalaga 18/19 season
Kepa had only 67.5% save percentage in the Premier League
68.1% save percentage in all competitions
Had a PSxG of -3.8 in UEL+ PL competitions that season
Meaning he conceded 3.8 more goals than expected
In PL that season, for PSxG, he ranks 27th that season with PSxG of -1.4
He had a PSxG/90 of -0.04 in the PL that season
Ranking 12th itl for PSxG/90 among all the goalkeepers in PL
He was ranked 15th in the PL that season for save percentages among all the GK’s(67.5%)
So In PL that season (The 2018/19 season ), Kepa Arrizabalaga’s rankamong all the goalkeepers yo have played a certain number of minutes that season is:
Save Percentage: 15th (67.5%)
Saves Made: 15th (78 Saves)
PSxG(+/-) : 27th (-1.4 PSxG)
PSxG(+/-)/90:12th (-0.04 PSxG/90 )
Now Moving to the Europa League 2018/19 season
And busting the myth that Kepa Arrizabalaga’s heroics won us the UEFA Europa League 2018/19
So here we go
Kepa had started 13 games that season for us in the UEFA Europa League
FYI , the maximum number of games a player can play in a season in the UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE is 15
So he missed just 2 games for us
And played in all the remaining 13 games in the UEL that season
Kepa made 17 saves for us that season in the UEL
Ranking 27th among all goalkeepers for total number of Saves made in UEL that season
Kepa Arrizabalaga had a 68% Save Percentage in the UEL that season
Ranking 28th among all GK’s in the UEL that season
PSxG stats:
Kepa underperformed his PSxG by 2.4 goals
Meaning he conceded 2.4 goals more than what was expected from the shots he faced
Bad for a GK
So basically, In simple words,
He had a PSxG of -2.4
He ranked 81st for PSxG among all GK’s in the UEL that Season
PSxG /90 stats :
PSxG/90 is basically PSxG per 90 minutes played
Kepa had a PSxG/90 (+/-) of a -0.18

Kepa Arrizabalaga ranked 37th for PSxG/90 among all the goalkeepers to have played in the UELthat season
A reminder that only players who have played a minimum of 3 games in the UEL and 17 games in the Premier League that season were considered when ranking the goalkeeper according to their “Per 90 Minutes Stats “ , like the PSxG/90
Simple way
In the UEL 2018/19 season
Kepa ranked:
Save Percentage: 28th (68 % Save percentage)
Saves Made : 27th (17 Saves made)
PSxG(+/-) : 81st (-2.4 PSxG)
PSxG/90(+/-) : 37th (-0.18 PSxG/90)
(Only players who played minimum 3 games were considered for PSxG/90 stats)
Hence we can say that Kepa Arrizabalaga didn’t have a good season in 18/19 for Chelsea
He was a “Below Average” Goalkeeper In the 2018/19 season for Chelsea
In 19/20 , he’s just worsened even more to become a “Horrible Goalkeeper”
Kepa Fanboys can go fuck themselves
End of thread
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