There is this post about accountability in trans communities that was really insightful to me and had forced me to think critically about the topic. (I'll RT it when I add alt text to it) This thread is a stream of consciousness related to it

TW // transphobia , abuse , suicide
The post is right in that for many of us in the trans community, we are reliant on the support of other trans people to survive and so even if someone has acted abusively, we shouldn't expel them from trans circles. Instead, we should aim towards reformation while helping the
Victim recover.

This presents a problem, though. It's easy enough to supply help to the abuser while allowing the victims to isolate themselves if the damage is done to a relatively small group but what happens the abuse extends to a large subsection of the community?
I'm talking about people like KG and BW. People who have used their platforms to harm and divide the trans community, while promoting a destructive ideology. The damage done is tangible and the community at large is still healing from their influence
How many gender non-conforming trans people, people questioning their gender or non-binary people have been ostracised and harassed for simply existing? How many have been forced back in the closet? How many people have died from their narratives?
Aecdotes about the hurt they have caused have begun to surface, and it's clear many people were affected by their actions. Hence, it's unsurprising that many of us feel reticent to allow them into our spaces
For sure, they acted abusively due to their own trauma but it's undeniable that they had perpetuated that trauma onto many other trans people.

I can't imagine that many trans people would be enthused about dealing with a transphobe who is the very embodiment of the struggle they
Face every day.

Still, I believe many of us want to see them improve and become better better people, despite our (reasonable) reservations. The question is "how?" We have conflicting needs and someone will get hurt if we don't strike a balance between allowing them in
Our spaces and letting the people they hurt avoid them.

They need our space but we reserve the right not to interact with them or their ilk
Again, I'm reiterating that this is just my immediate, messy thoughts on the topic and isn't a rebuttal. It was a pretty damn good thread which I will eventually RT when I get on my computer lol
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