so 2-3 days ago there was Stupid News Cycle about how an a̶c̶t̶r̶e̶s̶s̶ professional liar / story teller announced some detail about the inner state of her head

...and both red and blue tribes went insane

I've got friends making memes, talking non stop, etc.


Ask yourself

"why am I paying attention to something that a professional liar said, and which was amplified and turned into Narrative by the MSM, which is composed of communists, women, and other people with soft hands who don't even bend?"

The excellent blogger The Last Psychiatrist once said "if you're watching, it's for you".

Let's remember some logic. If A and A->B, then B. get to CHOOSE if A is true or not.

Are you watching? That's a choice.

Roissy said "the opposite of love is not hate; the opposite of live is indifference."

If you hate the Hollywood stupidity, if you hate the MSM, if you spend your time railing against it and making idiotic dad humor boomer memes ... you kinda love it.

The opposite of love is indifference.

If you're watching, it's for you.

Stop watching.
Stop hating.
Ignore it.

Plan next spring's garden.
Read a good novel.
Paint some minis.
Get an anvil and a forge.

Stop injecting the stupid into your veins; your arms look terrible.

Here's some stuff that friends of mine are doing:

* planning for a 10,000 mile cross Asian road rally

* building a massive steel building in the American redoubt as a homestead / bunker / party space ... complete w zip line

* raising cattle

* starting his fifth or sixth company, after several failures and a few partial successes

* starting his third company after one failure and one success

* writing short stories, with plan of winning an award

* composing orchestral music in his free time

* learning guitar

Each of us gets 24 hours a day, every day, no more, no less.

Don't hate the Narrative.

IGNORE the Narrative, and do something that YOU want to do.


Yes, getting outraged over an actress and making boomer memes in photoshop is a good way to defend your sons.

Far better than setting them a good example by <checks upthread> planting a garden or teaching them blacksmithing.

You win, @PollySpin.

well, then, by all means, poast more memes

that'll show 'em !

I find it interesting that all the men responding to my thread are saying "yes, solid point", and all the women are ... extolling the virtues of worrying and chit-chat and talking.

This is because men are DOERS and women are TALKERS.

My friend @wraithburn , who is wise beyond his relatively young years, explained it pithily once:

men DO
women "wish cast"

The way that men interact with the world is through their hands and their leadership. They effect change directly.

The way that women interact with the world is through their words. They say things, they frame things, they express anxieties ...and then they wait for men to accomplish solutions. They effect change INDIRECTLY.

This makes perfect biological and evolutionary sense.

So in this thread, I am telling young men (because I always speak to men; I have nothing useful to say to women, and I defer to the wise matriarchs like @FormerlyFormer to speak to the ladies) "stop PMsing about stupid shit. ACCOMPLISH things."

And men respond to this

Their responses are things like "yes, thank you for reminding me", and "hey, kings, check this out, he's right. e.g.

Meanwhile, the ladies are responding along the lines of "how DARE you tell me not to worry and to say things in the social realm!"

Because...of course they are. I'm implicitly telling them that they have no control (via their default tool).

And ... yes, I am.

It sucks, ladies, but it's true: whining about the culture wars online is NOT helpful, and will NOT lead men to DO SOMETHING to fix the world.

There are a few people who can work top down - Based Thiel, Trump, Based Elon, and others.

But they powerful do as they will >

...and the rest of us do as we must.

(what's more trad than that, amiright ?!)

So, anyway, I'm addressing the men.

Guys: go lift, read a book, get an anvil, plant a garden.

Ladies: ... go listen to @FormerlyFormer .

The opposite of "give in to the left" is NOT "post stupid memes on twitter".

Explain to me, @NotTennyTennisn, how worrying and posting memes fixes the culture or makes the world a better place?

Serious question. Please explain. I'll RT.

You want to win the culture war?

- plant a garden (and teach your kids the value of hard work)

- learn blacksmithing (and teach your sons to respect the physical power of an adult male ... married with precision and control)

- balance your household budget

... and teach kids the value of prudence, practical math, and low time preference

- volunteer for some form of Scouting or 4H (and teach kids the virtues of stewardship)

THESE THINGS, not emo-ing online, is how you build a culture.

Emo-ing online is weak and degenerate.

...and every time someone tells me "but I don't WANT to do hard things and set good examples, I WANT to emo online", I judge them as weak, degenerate, and fundamentally unserious.

That's why I make sure to say it to them, often!

Taking one week-long course on timber frame building is worth more than 20,000 WoG style memes about traditional architecture.

Here's the course I took. I highly recommend it.

$1,250 for a week

Young kings, consider it.

Yeah, so far I haven't used the skills much myself, but I've got plans to build a small outbuilding on the farm in a few years.

...have used it a BIT tho

The distinction between "women do X" and "everyone who does X is a woman" is hard, I know.

Keep trying, tho, @censoredpinx, maybe you'll understand eventually.

The image in #31 is a sign post, which I later mounted at the end of my driveway (after adding the diagonal brace). Need to carve a street number
sign to hang from it.

> Memes are very powerful btw and can reach those who don't want to read long threads.

"I'm trying to rebuild a classic civilization, but, LOL, words are hard so I add labels to cartoons instead"



> the dominant culture is dominant

ok, I'm with you so far

> so I'll whine like a premenstrual woman and post cartoons online, that way my team wins

wait, what
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