Okay Texans, we have 2 years to get this done and it will take every bit of it to restore Texas values... not the lying BS by those currently running the show.

This short thread is about getting started... building a unified Texas plan and kicking corruption to the curb in 2022 https://twitter.com/PLCNarrativeStr/status/1334667407357571077
Like most, my time is limited so we need to do this together. The more who jump in, the better. What we're trying to do is partially in my professional wheelhouse so I have some ideas but my opinion is not more important than anyone else's.
We know what we want... honest ethical leadership! Let's not worry about party at the moment. If we back truth, we get what we want anyway because the current @GOP won't meet our standards. Besides, the GOP leans on partisanship. Remove partisanship and we remove their advantage.
First, we need to inform and need a website. I am trying to figure out building us one but if anyone has suggestions or expertise, raise your hand. Nothing complicated, straightforward presentation of truth about candidates and issues from credible sources.
Second, promote the website/ truth. This works best if it is promoted as non-partisan as possible. It takes time for truth to sink in when folks have previously been inundated with ideology.
This unfortunately won't be a sexy/ headline grabbing campaign. Teaching and informing is grunt work... takes time... & patience but it does work.
We're fed up with dishonesty and corruption, so to "win", we must sell "values", especially what we can proudly proclaim as, "Texas Values". This is what the @DNC completely missed everywhere but especially Texas. This is about truth, not policy. Policy comes later.
This will be hard but like we said at the beginning, "our leaders won't lead, so we must". Hard as this is, if we get busy to the extent that all our schedules allow, we can do this. No one can do it all, even if they had time. This takes team effort.
I'll try and get a basic website up. We'll need to continually fill it with truth and organize it so people can use it easily. Give me a few days unless one of you are a whiz and can whip one together. In the meantime, keep the spotlight on our corrupt bunch in Austin and DC
Finally, this is our generations' "Remember the Alamo" moment. Like Travis, Bowie and Crockett, we're fighting corrupt and oppressive governments in DC and Austin. If we don't, who will?
"Let's roll" Texas
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