The Montauk Chair - Dr. John von Neumann and his research team were called back in the late 1940s to continue research on the USS Eldrige, the project concerned the "electromagnetic bottle" technology, which eventually resulted in today's stealth fighter craft.
But, first, they were to find out what went wrong with the "human factor" of the experiment and why it failed so miserably. As von Neumann was a mathematician from Germany, he had to learn the metaphysical side of man. The Rainbow Technology had dissolved the physical and
biological structure of human beings. People were stuck in bulkheads and changed beyond recognition in some cases. But it was the esoteric workings of the mind that had been affected first, in each case. Von Neumann and his team spent about 10 years working out why human
beings had troubles with electromagnetic fields that shifted them through different places and times. They actually found out that humans are born with what is known as a "time reference" (this is exactly the mechanism I work with when checking someone's soul vibration rate in
the Akashic Records) a time reference, point. At conception, an energy being is attached to a time line and we all start from that point. To understand this, it is necessary to view the "energy being" or soul as distinct from the physical body of the person concerned. Our whole
reference as a physical and metaphysical being stems from that time reference which actually resides within the electromagnetic background of our planet. This time reference is the basic orientation point you have to the universe and the way it operates. You can imagine how
you would feel if the clock suddenly started moving backwards and time as well. It is this time reference point that was thrown out of kilter with the individual crewmen of the USS Eldridge and caused them untold trauma. The Rainbow technology turns on and creates what can be
called an alternate or artificial reality. It creates a stealth effect by not only isolating (in this case) the ship but the individual beings as well, within a "bottle effect". Those beings were literally removed from space and our universe as we know it. This accounts for
the invisibility of the ship and of the people on board. The alternate reality, thus created has no time references at all because it is not part of the normal time stream. It is entirely out of time. To be in an artificial reality would be like waking up and not knowing where
you are.
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