1) You know my stand on the GA senate: vote. The DemoKKKrats are evil orcs, vile disgusting enemies of America.

2) The RINOs however, do more damage and keep more people home in one single moment than all the Lin Woods and Sidney Powells in the world.
4) Come on @erickerickson & @benshapiro >

Tell me how "damaging" Lin Wood is compare to these assdimples.

5) In one stupid bill, they have caused more GA Republicans to stay home than 100 Lin Woods.

6) Who in their right mind will vote for Loeffler or Purdue who support this?
7) THIS is the GOP problem, not Trump fighting a hoax fraud election scam.

THIS is why the GOP has to constantly work to gin up its voters except for Trump.

THIS is why you guys are diminishing voices on the right, because you not only tolerate but encourage the morons like . .
7) contd . . . Tom Collins, Rubes, Cornyhole & the rest of the amnesty/DACA/open borders piddlesniffer establishment gubs.

8) And you STILL don't get why people love Trump and despise you guys?

9) I can find maybe FIVE senators who even "most" of the time vote for the people.
10) The rest are these useless Chamber of Commerce factotems that shouldn't even be running a Rotary Weenie sale, let alone American immigration/business policy.
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