Amid a global uprising against racism, there has been increased interest in learning about forgotten figures in history.

Here are five Black Britons whose stories are rarely told👇 
Fanny Eaton – The first Black British supermodel

Born in Jamaica in 1835, Eaton changed the ideals of beauty in the Victorian era. Drawings and paintings of Eaton feature in collections in the UK and the world 
Mary Prince – Visionary abolitionist and writer, who was formerly enslaved

Born in Bermuda in 1788, Prince was the first Black woman to publish & write an autobiography in the UK. She wrote what it was like to live under slavery from her own perspective 
Olaudah Equiano – One of the earliest Black African writers in Europe

Born in 1745 and sold into slavery aged 11, Equiano's book 'The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano', allowed white people to learn how distressing slavery was 
Harold Moody – Physician and anti-racism activist

Moody came to London from Jamaica by boat in 1904 to study medicine, starting his own general practice in 1913. He founded British civil rights organisation the League of Coloured Peoples (LCP) in 1931 
William Cuffay – Tailor and left-wing activist

Cuffay became an important figure in the Chartist movement in London, which called for electoral reform, universal male suffrage, and the representation of working-class people in Parliament 
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