This year the House passed the Justice in Policing George Floyd Act.

This year several local jurisdictions were able to make sweeping police reforms

Minnesota who embraced defund could not make more than nominal changes after lost of public opinion.

The evidence contradicts
Los Angeles voted to “ Reimagine” police

The campaign was focusing on every initiative that Mn was asking for. They had all the same opposition
The idea that you need to specifically call it Defund to be comprehensive is stupid on its face.

But the evidence exist to show many jurisdictions changed without the defund label. In this year And the ones that labeled themselves defund weathered too much community pushback
To recap- Big structural changed happened in places that didn’t call themselves “ Defund the Police”

Defund is too closely associated with abolish. Don’t pretend the public is wrong in this association because it has been longer associated with abolish than reform
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