Some of y’all write BAD reference letters. (A rant from the co-DGS of the NGP at UVA.) 1) Your female students aren’t pleasant to work with - they’re integral members of your vibrant and dynamic research program. 2) Your female students aren’t aggressive - ....
they’re driven, dedicated, passionate, fearless scientists (I could add more, the list goes on). 3) And your female students aren’t a pleasure to speak with - they are curious, profound thinkers, emotionally intelligent, junior scientists that make you and your science better.
Some of YOU (yes you, some of you reading this) need to do better. Stop using different language for male vs female students in your lab, and stop being lazy jerks. These female scientists are part of the future. Do better by helping them achieve their goals.
Your letters don’t affect their ability to succeed. They simply make you look like an asshole.
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