Today is a dark day in US history. On Dec. 4th, 1969, the FBI & Chicago police conspired to murder a leader of the Black Panther Party as he slept next to his 8 month pregnant girlfriend in their bed. He’d been deemed the “Black messiah,” by COINTELPRO. His name was Fred Hampton.
Chicago police raided the apartment he and other members of the BPP were known to frequent, at 2337 W. Monroe Street. It was the middle of the night. There was no knock, no warning, just police showing up & starting to unload. Dozens of shots were fired into the apartment by them
some of the first, hitting and killing Mark Clark. More shots wounding Deborah Johnson. The shots woke up neighbors as the people inside the apartment had no clue who was firing at them. Only a single shot was fired by those sleeping inside, and it was accidental, fired after
being hit by the police bullets, the single shot went into the ceiling. Fred Hampton never woke up during the raid. It was presumed he was drugged by someone prior to the raid. The police made their way to the room where he slept, removed his girlfriend, and fired two shots at
point blank range into Fred’s temple. Killing him instantly. Two police were inside the room when Hampton was killed, his girlfriend was just outside the room when it happened, in custody & recalls hearing one of the cops who shot him say “He’s good & dead now.” The FBI & Chicago
Police got away with this targeted assassination. For nearly a decade a legal battle was fought to uncover the role the FBI played, the role of state attorney Hanrahan, Chicago police, & even the presiding judge over the case, Joseph Perry, in a conspiracy & coverup the murder of
Fred Hampton & Mark Clark. The story is one of many under-taught events in American history, and on this day we should remember Fred’s legacy. The revolutionary he was. The kind-hearted, and unwavering strength he embodied. He never shied away from speaking out against injustice
And he dedicated his life to helping his community. He organized community projects to protect Black and brown people in his city. Helped with the free breakfast program, rallied support from people of all walks of life. He should still be here today, along with Mark, but the FBI
& Chicago Police decided he needed to be taken from the world. On this day, remember Fred Hampton for the man he was.
If you want to read about Fred’s life & legacy, and the story of a coverup of a man’s execution, then I can’t recommend this book by Jeffrey Haas enough:
A few reasons the FBI was terrified of Fred Hampton: he was uniting rival gangs at the time in Chicago against the police, he was heavily involved in the free breakfast program (something the FBI considered a major threat), he organized BPP patrols to tail police in Black
neighborhoods, which actually reduced the arrests of Black people in the areas being over-policed, he held rallies where he openly called for revolution & for Black & brown people to purchase firearms for protection. There were many reasons he was deemed “too dangerous” by CPD &
the FBI. Not too mention his support of revolutions being fought against colonizers in other nations that the US was involved in, most notably his support of Ho Chi Minh. Don’t let ppl say it’s only bcuz of his appeal to white ppl, that’s just one reason, but it’s a whitewashing.
Two more books to read in relation to Fred Hampton.
I don’t mention all the reasons, here’s an account that goes into further detail on the matters.
One more account y’all should check out if you’re interested in getting a full and honest telling of this event in history, without the whitewashing.
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