April 17, 2001 Numerous Indian border guards were killed on the day in the deadliest clash between Bangladesh and Indian border guards. There is no precedent in the history of Bangladesh for such clashes on the border with India. They retreated after many BSF were killed.
On the morning of April 17, 2001, the BSF carried out a naked attack on the village of Baraibari. The BDR and Bir Janata responded to the attack with broken teeth.The BSF left the bodies of 18 people and fled. 3 brave BDR soldiers were martyred to keep the country intact.
There was no doubt that the BSF had entered Bangladesh illegally through the Baraibari border. This is the first time in the 30-year history that 18 BSF personnel have been killed together.
Padua is an under-occupied area under the two clauses of the Mujib-Indira agreement signed in 1984. The two countries disagree on the list and size of the occupied territories.
According to the 1996 Department of Land Records and Survey, 2,326.18 acres of Indian land is under Bangladesh's occupation and 3,217.56 acres of Bangladeshi land is under Indian occupation.
On the other hand, according to India's calculations, 2,546.9 acres of Indian land in Bangladesh is under Indian occupation and 2,260.64 acres of Indian land is under Bangladesh's occupation.
Even after the Awami League government, India's biggest friend, came to power, the complexities did not end there. At an inter-ministerial meeting held on 25 November 1997, it was decided to determine the amount of occupied areas through a joint survey.
Accordingly, the amount of sub-occupied areas in Berubari and Singpara-Khudipara areas was determined through joint survey.
A joint conference on demarcation of Assam and Meghalaya sectors held from 6 to 12 Aug 1997 discussed the determination of the amount of land through a joint survey of the sub-occupied areas.
No decision / direction has been received from the Central Government of India in this regard.The working paper of an inter-ministerial mtng on Sep 9 states, "There is a bilateral agreement to hand over the occupied territories to the countries concerned as per the 1974 agreement
According to the agreement,the occupied territories are to be handed over after the Boundry Strip Map is signed by the Penitentiaries of both the countries.But the process of handing over the occupd territories could not be started as the strip map was not signed by Penipotensri
Why this conflict: During the 1971 war of liberation, the Mukti Bahini camp was located 250 yards from the Bangladesh-India border at Pratappur border in Gowainghat upazila of Sylhet.
During the 1971 war of liberation, the Mukti Bahini camp was located 250 yards from the Bangladesh-India border at Pratappur border in Gowainghat upazila of Sylhet.
After independence, the BSF seized 230 acres of forested hilly areas, including the Padua Mukti Bahini camp. The people of Bangladesh live in the vicinity of the camp.
The BDR recaptured the village of Padua on the night of 15 April 2001 and strengthened their position by setting up three camps there. No shots were fired from either side during the village's recovery.
In retaliation, the BSF launched the Baraibari operation just three days after the Padua incident. Baraibari, Hijlamari, Khewarchar, BDR camps in Bangladesh are as inaccessible as they are underdeveloped. The BSF planned the Baraibari operation on April 16 at noon
As there was no observation tower on the Bangladesh border, the BDRs at the Baraibari camp did not understand the BSF's preparations for the attack.
But Nazrul Islam, the BDR commander of the Baraibari outpost, became suspicious when he received a letter from the BSF at 5 pm with a mysterious proposal for a flag meeting.
At around 3pm, a joint force of about 400 Indian commandos, army and BSF entered the paddy fields through the Baraibari border.
They crossed the dried up canal and proceeded to attack the Baraibari camp from three directions. Earlier, Minhaj, a resident of that village saw the scene of Indian troops entering the barracks after crossing the gate.
The BDRs were silent for the first 10 minutes when the BSF started firing at the Baraibari camp from the east around 4:30 am. The Indian forces thought the BDRs had fled the camp.
Then one of their forces started moving towards the camp from the west village and four BDR machine guns from Baraibari BOP started firing at the same time. This machine gun can fire seven hundred bullets in one minute
The Indian forces were shocked by the sudden attack and tried to flee. They sat around thinking they were surrounded in the opposite direction. So BDR's Lance Nayak Ohiduzzaman and 18 BSF personnel were killed
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