After seeing @GavinWilliamson’s car-crash performances yesterday it’s clear that the health/safety of the #school community is not his priority. He’s more a crass, immature statement kind of guy & w/ @educationgovuk is putting the lives of #teachers, pupils & families at risk. 1)
Maintaining SAFE EDUCATION is vital but current measures are definitely NOT doing this.
Staff & pupil illness/absences are causing havoc with learning. Disadvantaged children in high risk areas are being yet more disadvantaged, widening the attainment gap further. 2)
Full, poorly ventilated classrooms without #masks ARE NOT SAFE for #teachers or the families of children, especially those who are CEV. Fortunately very few children are badly affected themselves but they’re a v significant part of community transmission which affects everyone.3)
What excuse can there possibly be for totally ignoring the risk to #teachers & families, keeping schools open AT ANY COST is both dangerous & irresponsible. Keeping them open till #Christmas is utter madness, risking the lives of many more over a 5 day #COVID19 family bonanza. 4)
The “experience” of children must be considered but I’m certain that knowing they may infect adults around them will have a negative effect on well-being too.
Any child able to get them-self dressed/go to the loo can be taught to safely #WearAMask . They could even be fun! 5)
Improving #Ventilation & not overcrowding rooms IS possible. The use of #blendedlearning would reduce numbers, protecting everyone. Laptop/WiFi provision for those without must be sorted.
To continue the pretence that #schools are safe is simply unforgivable. 6)
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