Okay so, a thing I keep seeing people elide:

The puberty blockers case was specifically started around AFAB trans people. Same with the refusal of surgery one in Canada.

That's not an accident. A whole tonne of this is about societal feelings of ownership over AFAB bodies.
The puberty blockers judgement r.e. Gillick competence is a wedge that's going to be used to drive opposition to AFAB under-16s getting access to contraception and abortion care.

That's not an accident either. There're people involved for whom that's their end goal.
We /cannot/ have a proper conversation about this when people will not acknowledge that there is a strand of transphobia that /explicitly/ targets AFAB people, especially /young/ AFAB people, under the guise of 'protection' and 'saving our girls'
And, when we have that conversation, we absolutely do need to talk about the until recent near-invisibility of trans male and transmasc folk, because that's part of what's used to push the 'epidemic of girls seeking transition' narrative.
Also we need to talk about ableism and autistic folks' right to self-determination here. Because 'confused autistic girls' comes up far too bloody often for my liking in this particular context.

(I'm AFAB trans and autistic, so that one hits just a wee bit close to home)
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