This is an open call for genocide against trans people, btw.

Report if you can.
If you want to report her tweet with an explanation of what she's doing use this form and look at the hateful conduct policy linked in the next tweet.
The specific rule is inciting fear about a protected category, but if you can see others as applicable, include those as well.

Calling trans people a cult and saying we must be stopped is not just inciting fear, but also hatred and violence.
The gender critical cult operates through multiple organizations and people like LGB Alliance, Transgender Trend, Fair Play for Women, Women's Party UK, Resisters, and many others. They want to eliminate trans people from all public life, and they want to prevent trans kids from
being able to begin medical transition at puberty because they know that allowing them to go through the correct puberty will make them much harder to identify as trans, and will require them to go through far more work to transition. They're a hate group, no more and no less.
I do hope the people who said that "no they don't want trans genocide that's a bit extreme" are paying attention right now.
Trans children deserve support for social transition before puberty, HRT or blockers (whichever's needed, if either is needed at all) at puberty, and access to any surgeries they may want or need. They do not deserve to be put through the torture of the wrong puberty.
And look at the gender critical people now: They're ghoulishly dancing on the future graves of some of those children and gloating about how they've ruined trans children's lives on the basis of outright lies and misinformation.
That's me not threatening that anyone will die by suicide. That's me saying they're hoping for that outcome.
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