THREAD: MSP & the wokeness happening around it.

Let's start by addressing the wokes who are "standing up" for the "poor farmers".

These budhijeevis have no idea most of these "poor farmers" spend more on their cars' alloy wheels or on their John Deere's music system than +
what these liberals spend on their education at state varsities.

Even in the recent contro with Kangana, the old lady's husband (I suppose) is heard saying "we don't need money for protesting. We own 12-13 kille zameen"..

This land is worth more than +
what these wokes will ever see in their lifetime - forget earning it.

& please don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. Here is a video of me driving one of those bass-heavy stereo systems loaded John Deere +
Even though these bills have nothing to do with scrapping MSP, these people are creating a ruckus for no reason at all. This pushes me to expose their hypocrisy.

Although I'm not someone who eyes someone's wealth or talks about it, these people need to know we know about it. +
Farmer suicides - while this is a grave issue, several studies have shown that the prime cause of farmer suicide is not debt but family issues or illness.

Also, the greedy moneylenders" that the media usually reports as the cause of suicides are not banks but middlemen - adatis+
Yes, adatis, the same people who are igniting these agitations.

There has been some chatter about making MSP a legal right. This SHOULDN'T happen at ANY cost.
MSP is d SUPPORT price which the govt promises to pay in case the produce of a farmer is not bought in the open market +
But the farmers esp. in Punjab & Haryana have turned this into a pump & dump scheme.

The shellers/millers take this a step further by supplying moisture heavy crops to the govt. Without going into details, this is a way of supplying less & earning more. +
India also happens to pay hefty MSPs. You might think MSP calculation is a complex process. Not really, the Indian govt. pays 1.5 times the production cost to the farmers as MSP.

Means, if a crop cost you Rs.100 rupees to plant, the govt will pay Rs.150 - no questions asked. +
How cool is that? Even the US-of fucking-A has objected to India's bonker MSP.

According to WTO rules, MSP should be up to 10% while India is paying a whopping 60-70%. Financed by the tax paying citizen. +
Which brings me to the question - to what do the ordinary tax-paying citizens (like me) owe the pleasure of paying 30% of our hard-earned money to the state while people with so much land don't pay ANY type of tax - Income or property. +
Since the talks with the central govt are on, here are the changes that should be brought in these bills-
1. Fix the area of land a kisan can own above which he has to pay ALL types of taxes.
2. Farmers over a certain income threshold should pay ALL taxes. +
3. MSP and all benefits to only be reserved for EWS of farmers.

All this while I know nothing of this sort will happen because these political parties won't want to compromise their votes or face civil unrest. +
Also, it is time we stop this Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan non-sense.

A soldier voluntarily stands in harm's way & is willing to take a bullet so that I don't have to.
Tell me how this is the same as a person who grows a crop which he can dump at the govt's godown for a fatter profit +
NO FARMER grows a crop because he cares about what is on your plate. They are businessmen who're always looking to maximize profits.

If you doubt this, come to Haryana & you'll see how farmers are adamant about growing paddy even when Haryana faces an acute water shortage. +
If your argument is that farmers can't survive without MSP. Ask them to please STOP farming. Do yourself a favor by not doing us a favor.

Let the rules of economics come into play. Let the supply and demand determine prices. +
All those budhijeevis who are advocating that my state should buy expensive bajra from Rajasthani farmers are the same people who won't buy a Rs.150 shampoo from Amazon because they can get it for Rs.145 from Flipkart. +
If farming isn't the right business, let there be an industry, factory, school, in its place.

I would have said "let there be a temple" but then he liberals would have melted +
These kisan will never say a word about Canada/USA only offering up to 10% MSP but they're leaving India for Kanneda anyways. The money I pay as tax is going to Kanneda through MSP. +
to the librandu who says "gareeb kya khaega?" MSP & this statement don't go hand-in-hand.

MSP props up the prices of the produce which makes it harder on the EWS. In short, economics comes into play after the produce is shelved for sale. Usse pehle kuch bhi chalta hai.
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