There is powerful evidence from around the world that access to trans affirming health care is closely correlated with reduced suicide risk. Here is, eg, Canada.
Here is an extract from a similar paper published by Public Health England and the Royal College of Nursing. Note the first "protective factor".
Looking at these statistics, you would expect the decision of the High Court this week - at which it refused to hear from a single trans person or charity representing them - and which denied healthcare to trans young people would lead to increased numbers of suicides.
And there are already stories (that I cannot confirm but from good sources) of suicide attempts that it is having exactly that entirely predictable effect.
We tend in England, especially those who are white, middle class, privately educated and of privilege, to talk with meretricious authority about subjects we in fact know little about.
I do not come from privilege and I was not privately educated but the colour of my skin and the nature of my profession means I can be heard in corners where the trans community is ignored.
For so long as we refuse to listen to the trans community, for so long as we talk over, at, about, and through it, I intend to use such voice as I have in poor substitute for theirs.
That decision on Tuesday was a moral, legal and scientific blot, a shameful, shameful moment for this country, and I am proud to be working with a community who will not rest until it is overturned.
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