How will we ever measure the loss of the books that will NOT be published in this era if this is the way the literary world polices discussion of controversial topics and unpopular opinions? Who are your favorite authors who could NEVER have been published in a climate like this?
One of mine is Philip Roth. I was reading Portnoy's Complaint this summer when I got "cancelled." I might do a thread on how that controversial and outrageous book gave me strength when I was being accused of saying all the wrong things...
"[She] had to be either violently against everything or pathetically for everything...Why did a girl as smart as she was strive to let other people do her thinking for her? Why was it beyond her to strive‒as he had every day of his life-to be all that one is, to be true to that?"
That's from American Pastoral by Philip Roth. Feels relevant to this whole publishing industry drama
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