We need to start treating brainwashing like an addiction.

People don't just get propogandized, they're addicted to bluepills.
I remember when I kicked bluepills by accepting that the official 9/11 story was bullshit.

I actually cried and then was depressed for months. It's a real physical addiction with bad withdrawals.
This isnt a snarky joke tweet.

We aren't getting through to these people because they are addicts. You can't turn a heroin addict's life around by telling him it's bad for him.
There are only two successful methods for stopping an addiction:

1. Isolation from the addiction
2. Replacement with another addiction

These can be used in tandem but the first rarely works without the second. This is why recovered drug addicts become fitness freaks, etc
So while it's important to get people off the propoganda exposure, it's also important to replace that void with a new addiction.

It's not enough to kick the bluepill -- the bluepill addicts need to become redpill addicts.

A) Person who thinks NASA is lying about space and the government does mass shootings.

B) Person who is woke on the Fed and thinks the government spends too much

Who is more useful to bringing down the system?
Person A can't be propagandized by the system, because they're addicted to a new propaganda.

Person B is likely to be tricked into supporting the system through appeals to "small government" politics.
Moral of the thread:

Your redpills need to be appealing AND extremely addictive. Everything they get out of the system's propaganda, they have to get out of yours.

Give me the flat-earthers over @LPNational any day of the week. Only one of these groups is truly bulletproof.
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