. @TomiLahren @FoxNews are talkin about me so I have to reply. This is VERY PERSONAL. I AM a PROUD GEORGIA REDNECK in a Rep Fam. Don't talk about Ga as if you know us! We don't "look down" on anyone. We hold Leaders ACCOUNTABLE & I quoted Lin Wood saying Loeffler & Purdue USED..
..use GEORGIA!! They betrayed us!! Sold us out!! They LIED and let all our Businesses crumble and my Georgia family lose jobs & businesses when they continued to Lie about Covid so they could INSIDER TRADE!

They used TAX PAYER money for JETS while GA starves, they OPPOSED ...
minorities Equality, Opposed #LGBTQ rights, They LIED about everything & got Caught!!

GEORGIANs know better! @ossoff & @ReverendWarnock are Heros and leaders that Care & Serve all GEORGIANs EQUALLY!! They don't steal and take advantage of us like Purdue & Loeffler! #VoteforGa!
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