Okay so here’s my top fave items that i bought from shopee!

1. This dishwashing dispenser thingy.

Yg ni besar sikit drpd yg biasa korang tgk tu sbb dia boleh letak mcm2. I letak sabun besi lah berus lah dkt tepi tu hahrnndnd for me berguna lah

I bagi 5 bintang

Link: https://shp.ee/h3jsqec 
2. Mestilah vinyl flooring cantik ni. I’m so proud of it 😂

I beli kaler 003

Link: https://shp.ee/k27qa3k  https://twitter.com/iffahs_/status/1327556081011159041
3. Floor deck for balcony

Balcony buruk? Takpe mari lawakan dgn floor deck hdnfnndndd

Link: https://shp.ee/qmpiky4 
4. Anti fatigue mat

Yg ni paling function kalau letak kt dapur bila basuh pinggan/masak & berdiri lama2. My legs get tired so pakai yg ni mmg i kurang sakit/lenguh kaki #oldpipur

Boleh beli utk mak yg suka masak2 kt dapur hehehe

Link: https://shp.ee/cqra54k 
5. 2 tier pull out drawer

I letak ni kt bawah sinki, sgt functional. Boleh letak mcm2 hsndjdd nk letak brg dapur pon boleh

Link: https://shp.ee/mbwpryk 
6. Wooden flower rack thingy

Bought this for my mom for her birthday. She loves it bery the much! Seller friendly gila, update whatsapp personally. Highly recommend seller ni

Link: https://shp.ee/6m334n4 
7. USB lighter

Malas nk refill benda lighter tu so beli rechargeable lighter je senang habis citer. I beli time sale hari tu dpt murah sikit. Tp berbaloi. There’s another one yg kepala boleh bengkok2 tu hsndjd tp i beli yg ni je sbb susah carik

Link: https://shp.ee/6xp7xnc 
8. Denman Brush for curly peeps

You know i love my hair routine and adding this styling brush in my styling routine buat my curls lagi wow gitu. This is a styling brush tau, bukan detangler!

Link: https://shp.ee/ub8d3du 
9. Ipad case with keyboard/mouse

I beli yg skali dgn keyboard je, i tak beli yg dgn mouse. Saja la cm acah2 mcm mekbuk sikit. Mekbuk 5-6k mampoo tengok je 😂

Link: http://shp.ee/am7ti4k 
10. Paperlike screen protector for ipad (utk senang lukis2 jugak)

Cam amazed jugak dgn benda ni buat lukih2 ada fefeeling mcm atas kertas gitu

Link: http://shp.ee/fnvuaz4 
11. Ipad pencil tp brand goojodoq

Hsbdjdjd xyah beli apple pencil sampai rm400-500 beli goojodoq ni pon good enough for writing apa semua selesa jugak. I suka! I beli kaler pink,,,

Link: http://shp.ee/k8a5usk 
12. Mini ringlight clamp

I pernah ribiu yg ni dulu. It’s small tp terang gila. Jenis boleh kepit di mana2 sahaja. So sturdy and easy to use. Hehehe

Link: https://shp.ee/8nmb7ck  https://twitter.com/iffahs_/status/1303632853503156224
13. Cute socks

I’m a sucker for cute stuff so these socks are to die for. Tak nipis, tak tebal sgt! I would say quality dia quite good lah heeee yg penting murah gila! Harga bawah rm3!

Link: https://shp.ee/2uidxbc 
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