Quite a few of my well-off white friends on #ClimateTwitter discovered a newfound expertise on California environmental justice issues today.

Maybe find a better way to make your case than to tell communities of color what their experience has been?
Yes, this is a subtweet about the reaction to EJ criticism of outgoing California Air Resources Board Chair Mary Nichols, and no, I don't want to get into an argument about who should run EPA under Biden.
As long as I'm subtweeting, many of the same people are also missing the big picture on California climate policy.

Some of it is *not* a model.

Some of it is.

Let us learn to tell the difference and act accordingly.
Point the first:

Nearly all of the state's climate gains have come from getting off coal and adding more renewable energy in the electric power sector, as required by … well, conventional clean energy policies run by agencies other than ARB.
Point the second:

A deeply contentious compromise on cap-and-trade in 2017 included regulatory rollbacks to de-fang state and hard-won local control over oil industry emissions.

See Cal. Health & Safety Code §§ 38592.5, 38594. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB398
In place of direct pollution controls on the oil and gas industry, California got a $17 price on carbon from a cap-and-trade program where compliance is satisfied largely by offsets that look like this. https://twitter.com/earthislandjrnl/status/1334306298871959553
The state constitution required a 2/3 vote on this bill, which is why it was full of industry giveaways that undermined years of EJ efforts.

Perhaps you think nobody could have made a better deal. Fair enough, but it sold out EJ communities. You want them to be happy about it?
TL;DR there are good reasons to be proud of California policy, but cap-and-trade is not your best argument!

My favorite? Clean vehicle standards — the crown jewel of ARB's efforts, a credit to Mary Nichols' leadership, and a top EPA priority going forward.
So please, good white people of #ClimateTwitter, focus on the merits of your case and not shallow takes about life in pollution-burdened communities where you don't live.

I saw quite a few of you say you'd do better after #BLM. Please, walk the talk.
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