9 Reasons why #AEW Materially Benefits from the #IMPACTonAXSTV Partnership (a response to some very thoughtful points by @RajGiri_303 )

Caveat: It's not about ratings, at least in the short term.

Onwards to the list:
1) AEW theoretically gets access to digital distribution infrastructure.
2) More creative minds, like Don Callis, increase the quality of stories across brands.
3) AEW benefits significantly from a territory system, especially as the leader of that system...
3 con't) A territory system acts a feeder for every show, each creating its own excitement while building off other shows excitement via cross-pollination of talent and stories.
4) A growing Impact specifically helps AEW grow - Wrestling viewership is fragmented,
4 con't) Connecting those brands together not only engages watchers of both, but brings in new eyes via advertising, word of mouth, and amplified social media engagement.
5) Most viewers aren't smarks - 90% of people who watch wrestling don't a give a crap about how big...
5 con't) Or small Impact is, most people watch shows for the emotional impact, not because of a rating or a corporate bottom line. Most people leaned in hard to the angle because it /felt/ like a big deal. And if it feels like a big deal it IS a big deal.
6) Yes, the women. AEW is obviously not building for a robust on Dynamite women's division in the next 6 months. They are engaging younger talent to grow their skillset on dark. More reps, against a more diversified set of talents will only help them in the long term.
7) But also the men. For many of the same reasons above, young talent needs more talent to work with, on both sides of the equation.
8) It doesn't matter if Impact is "small" right now It's immaterial as this isn't about short term viewer growth But rather about storytelling
8 con't) in the service of longer-term brand growth. AEW is in year 2 of brand building, so every pop, and spark of interest matters greatly as they're not an established brand. This serves that purpose and can repeatedly do so among a critical cadre of brand ambassadors. 8/9
9) Which means y'all are thinking tactically which is I think a misstep, this isn't about "now" this is about strategic investments in long-term relationship, revenue, and brand building.
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